Standing, talking, crawling and laughing. That's all Addison has been doing for the past month. It's hard to believe how fast the last 9 months have gone by. The absolute best part is watching Addison develop her personality. Amber and I are so fortunate to have a daughter who is not only beautiful but has one of the best personalities (especially at her age).
Each morning we are met with Addie's gummy grin and a look that says she is ready for the day.
From that point on she is all out, stopping only for the occasional bottle and a nap (even Jesus had to rest). She has developed a desire for not wanting to be held but just wanting to play. Standing up using the coffee table is her favorite and seeing if she can knock everything off the table just to see how many times we will pick it back up (we call it the gravity game). She is turning into a pro at waving hello and bye, however sometimes she does it on her own and to whatever she sees, I have seen her wave bye to a dirty diaper and to Boone and say hello to her exersaucer. The best for me is when I go to pick her up in the afternoon and when she sees me she lights up like a Christmas tree and waves "bye" to the daycare ladies. But, our favorite to date has to be her dancing, in the afternoons when we get home I take her upstairs and stand her up in her crib then turn on the oldies station...she immediately sports her grin and will shimmy back and forth with me, then when the commercials come on she plops down and plays with the glow worm. She hasn't figured out how to make his face light up so whenever I do it she gives me this look of "how did you do that?" as if I am a magician.
This past weekend was Father's Day and we had a wonderful weekend down at Lake Jackson with Amber's family and Addie got to hit the water for the first time. She had so much fun in her crab float and boat riding. Then on Sunday we went to Aunt Laura's house for lunch and that afternoon Addie gave me my Fathers Day present a book called "Cinderella, the story of a daddy and his princess" it also came with a CD that we listened to that night as I rocked her to sleep. It was the perfect way to end my first Father's Day.