Monday, November 3, 2008


I was a great big pumpkin cutie pie for Halloween! I enjoyed this Halloween MUCH more than the last one! Although I couldn't crawl too well in my costume, which made me mad!

Me with Daddy before the Fall Festival at the church!

My "Aunt" Natalie gave me these pajamas for my birthday! I wore them to daycare on Halloween! Everyone thought I was so cute!

Trying my best to walk and get into this candy!!

I give up!! Can someone PLEASE open this for me?!

All this dressing up makes me so THIRSTY!!!!

Pink, Pink, and more PINK!

PINK Adventure #1:
My Mimi and Aunt Holly walked in the Breast Cancer 3 day and we went to welcome them home! We are so PROUD of them!!!

Mimi, me, and Aunt Holly!

PINK Adventure #2:
Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Laura took me to the Pink Pig at the Lenox Macy's! I didn't really get excited about it, but everyone else thought it was fun! Mommy had to ride with me on the train!

Mommy and me on the Pink Pig! I was more interested in tearing up the tickets than smiling for a picture!

Me with Daddy after the ride...

Me and Tori!

On our last trip to Cordele, Mommy and Aunt Misty wanted a picture of me and Tori together. This was what we got...

I thought I would give her hand a break and let her chew on mine, but I didn't like it when she did! So we both started crying! :( Everyone else thought it was funny!

Random shots as the seasons change...

Mommy and Daddy took me out for a fall photo shoot...mainly to get some proof that I can stand up on my own!

While the weather was still warm, we walked down the baseball field that is just down the street from our house and let Boone run and I practiced walking some more...

This is the new crawl I developed...somewhere between a crawl and walking.
I was doing this pretty regularly for a couple of weeks!

Mandy (Mamoo) and Shane came to visit on their way through Atlanta...

Just some pics of me playing around before bedtime....

My favorite "toy" is mommy or daddy's cell phone!
I know how to open and close it, mash all the buttons, and I hold it up to my ear and say "Hey!"
I even call back the last person they talked to a lot of times!

Here is my funny crawl/walk combo again...

I have had a big infatuation with my books recently! I love to sit in my chair and look at them!
Mommy and Daddy have always read to me before bedtime, but it's definitely taken a new turn with my added interest. They can now point out more things to me since I have much more tolerance and a substantially longer attention span! (My increased vocabulary is from all my reading! Ha!)

Just the girls!

Here is a picture of me and mommy, my Aunt Misty and Tori! We needed a picture of all the girls! I love my baby cousin! (See later post!)

It's my PARTY(S)!

I turned ONE on August 30th! Since I have so many people who love me...we had two birthday parties! I had one in Cordele and one in Atlanta! I had so much fun and got so many fun toys and pretty clothes! Thanks to everyone who came! It was so much fun!

Here are some pictures from my first birthday party in Cordele!

Are all of these presents for ME?!

Oooo!! Can I touch the pretty flame?!

Mmmm...birthday cake is pretty good!

And these are pics from my second birthday party in Atlanta!

Ya'll can do whatever...I just want to play with the balloons!

This is me on my rocking horse (we named her Belle)!
My absolute FAVORITE birthday present! Thanks "Uncle" Kevin and "Aunt" Candice! :)

Catching up!

We're back! Mom is a bit of a slacker and hasn't updated my blog in 2 MONTHS! I have done so much growing since then! We will try to catch everyone up in just a few posts! I am now 14 months old! I am trying very hard to walk on my own...every day I do a little more and go a little further than before. Mommy has not caught me on video yet, but promises she will try her hardest this week to get me in action so that everyone can see how big I am!

Here are my 12 months pics! :)