Aunt Denise and Wende came over for dinner and had fun playing with me!

Then we had a visit from "Randaddy" (daddy's daddy), MJ, Aunt Kristen, and Aunt Laura! They had fun watching me try to crawl around and play with my toys!

Mommy and I went to Macon to see Aunt Misty and Tori! Tori is my cousin. She hasn't arrived yet, but I got to see her on the cool ultrasound screen. She was being silly and sticking her tongue out at me! I can't wait for Tori to get here so that we can PLAY!
Me, Aunt Misty, and Uncle Chris. We went to eat after seeing Tori!
Everyone laughed at me, but I had a great time playing with the to go box!
I was flipping it on the table and then Uncle Chris decided to put it on my head!
Won't be long now and Tori will be here to play! You'll have to come visit Aunt Misty and Uncle Chris at the new house and go swimming with her!!! Love you bunches!!!
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