Yes, I can hardly believe myself that it is time to start feeding our baby with a spoon. So far she will look at us like "WHAT IS THIS?" for the first couple spoonfuls and it will come right back out, but then she will start swallowing a little after that. The first feeding was not successful at all. We attempted to spoon feed her when she would normally take a bottle, but she was not having it. She was hungry and the bottle was what she wanted. We soon learned that it worked best to give her a bottle (not a full one, though) then wait about 15-30 minutes and try the cereal. It has worked much better doing it like that. We are looking forward to trying fruits and veggies...we will probably start her first veggie next week. Hmm...carrots or peas?? Either one has to taste better than this stuff...
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8 years ago
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