So...we'll play catch up since the last post. Addie just had her 5 month birthday on January 30th. She is getting to be such a big girl! It seems like she changes every single day...definitely starting to look more like her daddy. We have enjoyed this past month so much with her being able to do more things and having her personality start to show. She is so much fun...and quite the drama queen. Matt and I just have to laugh at her sometimes because she over-exaggerates so much! (We're not sure who she gets it from?)

We are still working on sleeping through the nights...some nights are better than others. She has yet to roll over for her daddy, although the daycare tells us she does it there all the time too. For some reason, she just won't perform for him no matter how many times we try. Mommy thinks it's funny..daddy not so much!
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