Thursday, February 7, 2008

Play time!

Look at all the things I have to play with!

I can stand up...look how strong I am!

I am learning that I can pull these things to me and EAT them!

Thank you to Grandma Linda and Grandpa Bill for getting Addie the "exersaucer" for Christmas. She absolutely LOVES playing in this thing...and mommy and daddy LOVE that she loves it! It gives us a much needed break and she is thoroughly entertained by it for about 20-30 minutes at a time. She loves to yell at the animals and she has learned how to make the music play by bobbing around in the seat until it moves enough to play the music. Matt and I end up just sitting and watching her play in it. Not only is it keeping her entertained, but she is also building up her leg muscles. It gives her enough support that she can stand up in it for a few seconds at a time...not much now, but it will improve over time, for sure!