This year Mommy and Daddy took me to my first fair! We went to the Georgia National Fair in Perry, GA. It was so much fun and I was big enough to ride all of the kiddie rides! I was a little nervous at first, but took right to it after the first ride! Mommy rode with me while Daddy took pictures! I got to eat lots of fair food like a corn dog, funnel cake, and cotton candy. I loved them all, but the cotton candy was sort of funny feeling in my mouth and I made a weird face when I ate it.
I also got to see lots of animals...cows, horses, sheep, rabbits, pigs, sea lions, a giraffe, camels, zebras, turtles, and monkeys! I didn't care too much about petting any of them, but I liked looking at them and telling Mommy and Daddy to pet them for me. Here's lots of pictures of my animal friends!